Digital Marketing Terms Defined

New to content creation and not quite sure what some of the terms mean? We’re here to help with a handy guide. 


Metrics refer to the quantifiable measurements that gauge elements contributing value to your organization. These measurements, while significant, do not center around the utmost critical objectives, such as the number of website page views or the "likes" received on a social media post.


In the context of digital marketing, engagement pertains to the extent of interaction and involvement exhibited by users with a brand's online representation. This encompasses various activities such as website visits, ad clicks, video views, form submissions, and product purchases.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

SEO involves a collection of strategic methods and tactics crafted to optimize content for achieving the highest possible ranking on search engine results pages (SERP), including platforms like Google and other search sites. The elevated ranking enhances the likelihood of receiving clicks, subsequently boosting traffic to the content.


Analytics is the systematic approach of overseeing and analyzing metric data to assess the Return on Investment (ROI) of marketing endeavors, encompassing elements such as calls to action, blog posts, channel performance, and thought leadership pieces. The primary objective is to discern the effectiveness of these efforts and pinpoint opportunities for enhancement.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are universally accepted and established metrics used to evaluate the advancement towards your content marketing objectives. Examples of potential KPIs include average conversion rates, the quantity and quality of leads, revenue per new customer, and other measurable factors that provide insights into the success of your content marketing efforts.


Within the realm of content marketing, subscribers are individuals characterized as audience members who, in exchange for an anticipation of continual value, have taken a specific action related to your content. This action typically involves providing personal data. Subscribers represent a fundamental metric for gauging the value derived from content marketing efforts.


Curation involves the compilation, choice, categorization, commentary, and presentation of pertinent content. This method often incorporates third-party content, allowing your brand to add a unique perspective to existing material. Additionally, curation can extend to the organization and presentation of content produced by your brand.


A conversion occurs when a consumer performs a significant action designated by your organization, such as making a purchase, registering for an event or a gated asset, subscribing to a blog or newsletter, or joining a social media community, after interacting with your brand's content.

Content Creation

 The process of producing and publishing information or media for a specific audience, often to engage and attract viewers.

These terms can set the foundation for anyone trying to understand the basis of content creation and digital marketing. 

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